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Saturday, September 16, 2006

when things work Randomly..

The last one year in a software industry has changed the way I say things. I have started to use many new words, a bit complex in nature, in place of simple words.


Certain things have become Mandatory. Processes will have to be followed to maintain quality. The list goes on.. when so much importance is given to the few lines of code written.. u cud imagine the importance given to “We the people” who do it. U have just guessed it wrong. We are treated the opposite way. Picked up using a thousand criteria.. but managed randomly. To manage us Randomly there are bunch of HR’s. I can recall one of my favorite Dilbert strip.


At a board meeting in the company…


Boss: We thought employees were the most important asset.. but now things ve been re-organised and employees are the ninth most important.


Dilbert: What comes 8th.?


Boss: Carbon paper..


If the condition of SE is this.. in name of processes the weekly activity reports of how time is killed every day has to be filled in against the correspondingly developed modules. I have even ended up entering 277 hours of effort for a moduel that was never developed nor assigned to me. When PL asks my why ? I say its random too..

And believe me all the ppl I know enter random numbers.


In all this confusion.. there are a bunch of quality people who work on the random numbers we enter as efforts. They calculate the efficiency of the worker .. and finally sum up everythin to average output per employee of the company.. oof.. how pathetic and senseless cud they be.. And to add to all these miseries. They say my company has the per employee output. That’s the limit.. and its published in the b-magazines. What started at the lowest level.. is wat the whole country reads and gives a brand image.


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